
The EU Erasmus+ project EVIDENCE is based on a contemporary approach to scientific competence which, besides attempting to foster science content knowledge and process skills, also focuses on the formation of skills, attitudes and values to find solutions to the problems in society caused by post-truth. However, it may require different competences from teachers than previously needed for teaching as knowledge delivery. The current guidebook, Busting Post-Truth in the Science Classroom, together with EVIDENCE learning materials (target group: 15-18 years old students), tries to fill this gap in order to help teachers, educators and supervisors of both formal and non-formal education sectors to meet post-truth challenges: to cope with mis- and disinformation and science denial, as well as tackling socially sensitive science-related issues towards which people may have quite polarised views, thus building students’ trust in science. This last point is crucial if we want to manage global problems such as climate change, pandemics, poverty and so forth.

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